20.01.2025 Säästa aega ja raha uue jäätmekogumise lahendusega! Mida tuleb jälgida vaakumpakendaja mudeli puhul? Tänapäeval ei ole enam vaakumpakendaja eksklusiivne ese köögikapil, tegemist on täiest tavalise kodutehnikaga, mis annab… More
02.04.2024 NEW COMPRESSED NAPKINS FROM NAPKIN GO Compressed napkins from the purest viscose, this is Napkin Go! Very simple to use as well as smart – add water to the tissue, for the napkin expand. After the napkin has fully grown, you can proceed to clean your face, hands or other surfaces. More
01.04.2024 MULTIPACK OÜ Terms of sales and delivery 2024 Dear Client! Multipack OÜ has updated the terms of sales and delivery. You can find more information on sales and delivery prices here. More
01.04.2024 PROTECTIVE FOAM CUSHIONS IN 3 STEPS Quick RT® protective foam packaging can be activated momentarily and requires no additional equipment Press Press firmly on the “A” symbol near the lower left corner of the bag to break the seal Pat Mix the components by firmly patting back and forth 10–20 times on the “A” and “B” symbols Pack Quickly place the […] More
23.11.2021 Marking and sending your parcel 📬 Have you ever wondered why proper packaging is important when sending a package? The parcel may travel long distances during the transport chain, and usually it contacts with various interferences (other packages, sorting lines, lifts, etc.). Properly selected packaging materials, the right stickers and the way you secure the package is the best way to protect […] More
09.03.2020 What does a real pizza box look like? The pizza box must maintain its shape and temperature Ordering food to the home and office has become a popular business activity. To be true, pizzas have been ordered for long time, by now just other foods are included… More
27.06.2019 Fluorescent gaffer tape Use Fluorescent gaffer tape where residue free removal is required. Professional premium grade Folsen Fluorescent Gaffer Tape tape specially designed from cloth for heavy duty application where residue free removal is required. More
01.01.2019 The innovative continuous bag solution! The Saclò continuous bag system is based on a special “endless” bag (up to 110 metres long) which is unrolled, closed and cut every time the operator has to throw away the trash. When one bag is closed, the next is immediately ready to use! The continuous bag system offers you the following advantages: HYGIENIC - No contact with waste. PRACTICALITY - Unrivalled [...] More
02.05.2018 Biodegradable Spino dishes Biodegradable Spino dishes We are pleased to announce that our own Spino brand brought to the market the biodegradable disposable dishes with small packages. All products in the Bio series are 100% biodegradable and… More
07.03.2018 “New Day” coffee cups “New Day” coffee cups, with nice print are arrived to our stock. Available with sizes 250ml and 300ml. Used for cold and warm beverages. Cups can be closed with lids More
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